“Do things well and do things right!” Chairman Liu's simple words have defined his business philosophy for over 40 years. In our business, high quality and customer trust are our greatest achievements. Home buying is a major life event for everyone, so it should not be taken lightly. Our past performance is a good indicator of future success, we will continue to build high quality residences for our local communities.
經過了四十年﹐劉董依舊習慣每天一早去工地監工﹐不管天氣如何 ﹐只要有施工﹐劉董一定都會在現場﹐就算只是運送建材﹐把握住每個細節﹐對劉董而言﹐品牌所代表的意義﹐並不是奢侈與華麗﹐而是服務與安心所帶來的信賴。
Even after 30 years, Mr. Liu still goes to supervise the construction site every morning. No matter what the weather is, Mr. Liu is always there as long as there is construction work going on, even a tiny one. For him, the meaning of a brand is not about luxury or splendor, but rather the excellent service and the peace of mind that the brand provides.
Together with our customers, we would like to create a better future for everyone! And we hope that everyone tries their best to fulfill their own duties and discover the true value in their own lives. For those who have the ability, we encourage them to give back to society and help those in need.